Wording for your will

Making a legacy gift through your will or trust is one of the many ways that you can support Family Renew Community’s mission to help families with children overcome or avoid homelessness. A will or trust is an important legal document, so please contact an attorney or financial adviser. This sample language is solely to assist you with this important decision.

Form of Gift

Specific Amount

I give, devise and bequeath to Family Renew Community Inc., 810 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117, a Florida nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, tax identification number 59-2971766 the sum of $ __________ …

Percentage of Estate

I give, devise and bequeath to Family Renew Community Inc., 810 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117, a Florida nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, tax identification number 59-2971766 _____ percent of my residual estate …

Remainder of Estate
(after taxes, debts, expenses and other bequests)

I give, devise and bequeath to Family Renew Community Inc., 810 Ridgewood Ave., Holly Hill, FL 32117, a Florida nonprofit 501(c)3 corporation, tax identification number 59-2971766 the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, including real and personal property …

Use of Gift


… to be used for the general purposes of Family Renew Community Inc. at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.

Restricted Use

… to be used for (detailed description of what the donor wants the bequest to accomplish). If, in the opinion of the Board of Trustees of Family Renew Community Inc., it should become impossible, inadvisable, or impractical to use this gift for the specified purpose(s), then the board may, in their discretion, use the gift to the best advantage of the charity, keeping in mind my original wishes.


Gifts in wills and trusts may also be in the form of particular property such as real estate, stocks, bonds, jewelry, works of art or other items.

Wording for your will

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