Daytona Beach Residential Campus

Daytona Beach Residential Campus

105 South Street, Daytona Beach, FL 32114

Phone (386) 258-5993 | Fax (386) 323-0760

Ten one-bedroom and one two-bedroom apartments for single mothers experiencing homelessness with their children.

This is the site of Family Renew Community’s
Daytona Beach Housing Program for Single Mothers Experiencing Homelessness with their Children.

The campus has 10 one-bedroom apartments and one two-bedroom apartment for families headed by single mothers, with on-site case management focused on housing, employment, education, and parenting. Families may grow fresh produce for themselves in a hydroponic tower garden on the grounds.

A private courtyard with a butterfly garden serves as a gathering place for families.

Laurie Archer-Dugo | Program Manager



Daytona Beach Residential Campus

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